Credits: The Free Dictionary
01. Walk | Phrasal verbs
1. informal To resign or quit, especially very abruptly.I am so fed up with this project. I'm going to walk soon if things don't start to improve.The chief financial officer walked after being with the company for less than a month. There's something seriously wrong going on there.
2. informal To go on strike.The employees are threatening to walk if we don't increase their wages.
3. slang To be acquitted of a criminal charge.There was no doubt in anyone's mind that he was guilty, but he walked on a technicality.I thought I was headed for jail, but my lawyer promised I would walk.
001. a sleepwalk
002. a walk in the park
003. a walk in the snow
004. a walk is as good as a hit
005. a walk of life
006. all walks of life
007. arm in arm
008. be a cakewalk
009. be a walk in the park
010. cakewalk
011. cock of the walk
012. crawl before you walk
013. don't judge a man until you have walked (a mile) in his shoes
014. don't judge a man until you have walked (a mile) in their shoes
015. don't judge someone until you have walked (a mile) in their shoes
016. don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk
017. every walk of life
018. float on air / walk on air
019. go/walk down the aisle
020. hand in hand
021. hands down
022. if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck
023. if you can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk
024. in a walk
025. in a single file
026. jaywalk
027. money talks, (and) bullshit walks
028. not walk on water
029. people from all walks of life
030. perp walk
031. run before you can walk
032. slow-walk (something)
033. someone (has) walked over (one's) grave
034. straight and narrow, walk (the)
035. take a hike
036. take a long walk off a short pier
037. take a long walk on a short pier
038. take a walk
039. take a walk down memory lane
040. take a walk on the wild side
041. talk the talk and walk the walk
042. talk the talk, walk the walk
043. the ghost walks
044. tread a fine line
045. walk a fine line
046. tread a thin line
047. walk a thin line
048. tread a tightrope
049. walk a tightrope
050. walk
051. walk in single file
052. walk single file
053. walk (someone) off (one's) feet
054. walk (one's) feet off
055. walk (right) this way
056. walk this way
057. walk a fine line between (something)
058. walk a fine line between something
059. walk a mile in (someone's) shoes
060. walk a thin line
061. walk a tightrope
062. walk across
063. walk across (something or some place)
064. walk ahead (of someone or something)
065. walk ahead of
067. walk all over
068. walk all over (one)
069. walk all over somebody
070. walk all over someone, to
071. walk along
072. walk and chew gum (at the same time)
073. walk around
074. walk away
075. walk away from
076. walk away from (someone or something)
077. walk away scott-free
078. walk away with
079. walk away with (something)
080. walk back
081. walk back on (something)
082. walk back the cat
083. walk before you can run
084. walk down
085. walk down memory lane
086. walk down the aisle
087. walk feet off
088. walk free
089. walk hand in hand
090. walk heavy
091. walk in
092. walk in on (someone or something)
093. walk in step (with someone or something)
094. walk in the park, a
095. walk into
096. walk into (something)
097. walk into the lion's den
098. walk it
099. walk it off
100. walk like an Egyptian
101. walk of life
102. walk of shame
103. walk off
104. walk off the job
105. walk off with
106. walk off with (something)
107. walk on
108. walk on a thin line between (something) and (something else)
109. walk on air, to
110. walk on eggs
111. walk on eggs, to
112. walk on eggshells
113. walk on rocky socks
114. walk on stage and off again
115. walk on sunshine
116. walk on the wild side
117. walk on thin ice
118. walk on water
119. walk on water, to
120. walk out
121. walk out on
122. walk out on (someone or something)
123. walk out with
124. walk out with (someone or something)
125. walk over
126. walk over (someone)
127. walk over to (someone)
128. walk over to (someone or something)
129. walk right in
130. walk right up
131. walk soft
132. walk softly and carry a big stick
133. walk somebody off their feet
134. walk someone off their feet
135. walk Spanish
136. walk tall
137. walk tall, to
138. walk the beat
139. walk the cat back
140. walk the chalk
141. walk the dog
142. walk the floor
143. walk the line
144. walk the plank
145. walk the plank, to
146. walk the straight and narrow
147. walk the streets
148. walk the talk
149. walk the walk
150. walk the walk and talk the talk
151. walk through
152. walk together
153. walk up
154. walk up to
155. walk with
156. walk with (someone or something)
157. walk your talk
158. walk-in
159. walk-ff home run
160. walk-up song
161. we have to (learn to) walk before we (can) run
162. we must (learn to) walk before we (can) run
163. we must learn to walk before we can run
164. when I was a kid, I walked to school uphill both ways
165. when I was your age, I walked to school uphill both ways
166. whistle walk
167. win (something) in a breeze
168. win (something) in a walk
169. win hands down
170. worship the ground (one) walks on
171. worship the ground someone walks on
172. worship the ground someone walks on, to
173. worship the ground (one) walks on
174. worship the ground *() walks on
175. you cannot make a crab walk straight
176. you *have to (learn to) crawl before you (can) walk
177. you *have to (learn to) walk before you (can) run
178. you *must (learn to) crawl before you (can) walk
179. you *must (learn to) walk before you (can) run
180. you've got to (learn to) crawl before you (can) walk
181. you've got to (learn to) walk before you (can) run
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